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Bloomville Participants

Brooke Sarno

Brooke has been working at Lake Delaware Boys Camp. This is her 2nd year now.  She likes her job because she is able to cook and learn how to be creative with foods. Something new she is learning is how to better interact with new people. Advice that Brooke gives is you should always be ready to work hard. 

Desirae Jutrzenka 

Desirae has been working at Hanford Mills and the Delaware County Historical Association. Desirae enjoys working together as a crew. Her favorite job to do is cleaning because she likes when everything is looking its best. Advice that she gives is that the job is easier when you don't complain about it. 

Josh Funk

For the summer Josh has been working at the South Kortright School Bus Garage. Josh likes his job because with his hours he still has time to hang out with his friends after work. Something new he has learned is how to wax the school vehicles. The plan that Josh has for the money he is earning is to save it for when he really needs it. 

Kyle Soule 

This summer Kyle has been working at the South Kortright School Kitchen. His favorite part of the job is being able to work in a real kitchen setting. While at work he really enjoys being able to serve the kids food because they are fun to interact with. Advice that Kyle gives is to not let the dishwasher get backed up and to have a constant flow of dishes. 

Conor Woznick

Conor has been working at the South Kortright School Bus Garage. His favorite job to do is clean the buses because he has learned new ways to clean properly. Advice that he gives is to be ready to work hard and to do different types of jobs daily. Conor's plan for the money he is earning is to use it for gas throughout the school year, and to buy car parts if his car ever needs it. 

Ashley Sarno

This summer Ashley has been working at the South Kortright CROP. She likes her job because she gets to work with the kids and help plan activities. Something she has learned on the job is how to recycle items and continue to use them. Her advice for future workers is to be patient with the kids. 


Sophia Baigini

Sophia has been working at the South Kortright CROP. She likes her job because the kids she works with are very bright and kind. Her favorite job is helping the kids with sight words because she feels like a big help when they listen to her advice. Sophia has leaned that a person can never have too much fun in a classroom when the kids are being enthusiastic. Advice she gives is to always be patient because the job will have bumps but you can get through it.  

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