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Diamond Otto

For the summer Diamond has been working at the Walton Central School. She enjoys her job because she likes cleaning and making the school look nice. Advice that Diamond gives is to make sure you do your job right the first time so you or someone else doesn't have to go back and do it again. 

Robert Swiatek

Robert has been working at the Walton Central School for the summer. Robert really enjoys moving the tables and desks in the classroom. Something new that he learned on the job is how to become a leader. Being one of the older members at the school he is a leader to make sure all jobs get done. Robert plans to use some money to get his license and eventually a car. 

Richard Wood

This summer Richard has been working at The Penguin Cafe. He likes his job because he is given many different jobs such as customer service, cleaning tables, and making ice cream. Advice that he gives is to always be willing to work, everyone there is very nice and will help if you have any questions. 

Celestine Mingle

Celestine has been working at Miller's Barbecue for the summer. She enjoys her job because she really likes her coworkers, and she loves talking to people. Her favorite job to do is run the take-out window because she gets to talk and interact with the customers. Celestine plans to put some of the money she is earning into savings and use some of the money to become more independent so her mom can worry less about bills. 

Peter Mason

Peter has been working at Miller's Barbecue. His favorite job to do is cleaning the ashes from the pit because he gets to ride the four wheeler around. On the job Peter has learned many skills that go into running a restaurant, his favorite skill he learned is how to work the cabbage machine.  Peter's plan for some of the money he is earning is to start saving for after high school when he moves to San Francisco. 

Jarod Bartlett

Jarod has been working at the Walton Central School for the summer. He enjoys his job because the tasks he is given are not that hard to follow directions for. Something new Jarod learned on the job is how to clean desks and lockers properly. 

Walton Participants

Taylor Gardner

Taylor has been working at Walton Senior Meals for the summer. Her favorite job to do is set up in the morning because she has the whole routine down now. Something she has learned is how to mix together food, like how to make batter for cookies. Her plan is to save money to put towards college. 

Aislynn Drumm

For the summer Aislynn has been working at Healing Water Farm. She likes her job because she gets to work with animals outside, and is always learning new things. Something new she has learned this year is how to worm an animal. Aislynn's favorite job is managing the animals which includes feeding, brushing, and moving around in the pastures. 

Kailynn Drumm

This summer Kailynn has been working at Healing Water Farm. She enjoys her job because she gets to spend time with the animals, and she gets to learn how the farm works. Something new Kailynn has learned is that when moving the animals she has to learn how to control them all at once and not let them stray away. Advice that she gives is to listen, follow directions, and take your job seriously. 

Samantha Taddeo

For the summer Samantha has been working at the Walton Central School. She likes her job because she is able to work with her friends, and she enjoys cleaning. On the job she has learned how to use specific cleaning supplies to remove ink from desks. Advice that Samantha gives is to put in hard work and do your job to the best of your abilities. 

Carmella Cioffi

Carmella has been working at the Walton School Bus Garage for the summer. Her favorite job is being able to clean and prep them for the next school year. While on the job one thing she has learned is the amount of work it takes to clean the buses and has given her a new form of appreciation for the drivers. Her plan for some of the money she is earning is saving up for college. 

Sophia Elston

Sophia has been working at Delaware Valley Hospital. Her favorite jobs to do would be pulling files, and checking vendor numbers making sure they all match. When on the job Sophia has learned how to fix a paper jam with the copy machine. Sophia's plan is to buy new cleats and soccer equipment with her money that she has earned this summer. 

Hannah Elston

Hannah has been working at the Walton Senior Meals for the summer. She likes her job because the seniors that she works with are very kind. Her favorite job would be mixing dough for different kinds of baked goods. By working here it helps her interact with more people helping to give her better social skills. 

Morgan Taddeo

For the summer Morgan has been working at the Walton Central School. She enjoys her job because she is able to see friends, and help make the school look better. Advice that she gives is to wear old clothes especially when you're painting because they can get ruined. Her goal is to save more money to put into her college fund to help buy her textbooks.

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