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South Kortright Participants

Corey Protsko

Corey has been working at the South Kortright School for the summer. His favorite jobs are painting the school and using the auto-scrubber which helps to clean the floors. Advice that he gives is to know that there are a lot of rooms that need to be cleaned so you can't spend more time than needed on one room. Corey is saving up to buy his very own pickup truck. 

Cody Mattice

Cody has been working at the South Kortright Kitchen. He likes his job because he gets to work with the food. While working in the kitchen, his favorite thing to do is wash the dishes. Something new he has learned is how to cut cucumbers into spears for the kids lunches. 

Sonia Reeves

For the summer, Sonia has been working at O'Connor Hospital. Her favorite part of the job is that she gets to be  very active at work. Her favorite task is packaging and putting away different types of supplies. Something useful she has learned on the job is how to be organized. 

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