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Stamford Participants

Chastity Falkenmeyer

Chastity has been working at Robinson Terrace. She really likes her job because she gets to work with older people and learn how to take care of them. Her favorite job is when she gets to do one on ones with the residents and talk about their day and hear stories from their past. Chastity plans to spend her money on school supplies and buying herself a kindle. 

Hunter Curry

Hunter has been working at Hill Havens Farm for the summer. He likes that while on the job he can meet new people and learn new skills. His favorite job would be picking blueberries because you can snack while working. Advice that he gives is to stay focused because once you get off task you do not finish the job you were given. 

Sierra Sawyeri

For the summer Sierra has been working at Core Value Thrift Shop. One of her favorite jobs is being able to organize what goes out on the store floor. Not only does Sierra help out inside the store, she also helps weed and take care of the park and seating area outside of the store. Her plan is to start a savings account with the money she has earned this summer.  The Core Value staff were impressed with the work that Sierra was doing.

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