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Hancock Participants

Mackenzie Ronk

Mackenzie has been working at the Hancock Foundation for the summer. She enjoys her job because she is able to teach kids how to play new games. Advice that Mackenzie gives is to have patience with the kids because they sometimes don't know they are doing something wrong. Her goal is to save money for both this upcoming school year and for schooling in the future. 

Jeremiah Finch

Jeremiah has been working at the Hancock Central School. He enjoys his job because he likes moving around the classrooms and making the school look clean. Something new he has learned is how to properly use a dolly to move larger objects. Some advice that he gives is to not stay quiet, ask questions if you don't understand. 

Kathryn Rubera

Kathryn has been working at the Hancock Foundation. Her favorite job to do would be taking the kids to the gym during their break so they can all play. Advice that she gives is to always work hard and show up to work on time. Kathryn's plan is to save her money for a car and to start up a college fund for herself. 

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