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Hobart Participants

Brandon Wright

Brandon has been working at Camp Here for the summer. His favorite job to do here is watch the kids at free swim because he likes watching them have fun with their friends. Advice that he gives is to always have sunglasses and sunblock at work. Brandon's plan for his money is to save it to be able to buy a car. 

Frederick Webster

Frederick has been working at the South Kortright School Garden. His favorite jobs to do here are cleaning the tables and pulling weeds. Something new Frederick has learned is how much work the custodial staff has to put in to make the school look as nice as it does. His plan is to use his money to buy his own car. 

Kassidy Wright

For the summer Kassidy has been working at the South Kortright CROP. She likes her job because she is able to help the kids advance their writing skills. Her favorite job to do is help the kids write their names because she likes watching them get excited about learning. Advice she gives is fill your time sheet out daily so when it is due all of your information is correct. 

Grace Schneider

Grace has been working at O'Connor Hospital for the summer. She likes her job because she is helping people and making sure that both patients and employees are well fed. Something new she has learned on the job is how to be extra sanitary. Advice that she gives is knowing that there is a lot of work that needs to be done and you should always be ready to help out. 

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