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Emily Andersen

For the summer Emily has been working at the Andes Library. She helps out with the kids in the morning program, but she also does other duties. One of her favorite jobs is being able to sign in and out books in the library. Sometimes she even sees a book that she is interested in that she didn't know was there. After working here, Emily said she is going to visit the library a lot more that she used to. 

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Benjamin Andersen

Benjamin has been working at the Andes Central School for the summer.  Something that he accomplished while working was making a flower bed for the school. He enjoyed working at the school because he was able to learn information on cleaning and landscaping that he may need to know in the future. His advice is to always try your hardest no matter the job and always find something to do when at work. 

Harli Mahon

This summer Harli has been working at the Andes Central School Garden. While working here she has learned a lot about gardening including the correct depth and conditions that each type of plant needs to thrive. She was also able to learn about vegetables and what seasons are best for each type. Her first impression of the job was that it was discouraging, but at the end of the summer she really saw all the progress that she had made and is proud of her work. 

Serena Bacon

Serena has been working at the Andes Central School Garden for the summer. Some jobs that she does include preparing the beds for planting, weeding, and planting the seeds. One part of her job that she likes is learning about the greenhouse and being able to see the progress from the beginning of the summer to now. Serena enoyed her work so much that has started a newsletter for the garden, and maintains it on her own. 

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