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Kassidy Wright

For the summer Kassidy has been working at Camp Here. Her job is working with second graders, and helping them with activities. She has come to really know the kids, and can tell when they are having fun or if they are having a bad day. One of her favorite activities is taking her group to the pool to swim.

Marshall Bowie

This summer Marshall has been working at TOPS. He does a lot while working here like: stocking, working in the bottle return area, and unpacking. His supervisor said he had great customer skills, and that he does his tasks without being distracted.  Go Marshall!

Krystal Poole

Krystal has been working at Robinson Terrace for the summer. What she likes about her job is getting to know the residents and being able to do activities with them. Her favorite job is setting up for parties because it always seems to put smiles on the residents faces and she enjoys seeing them happy. What she has learned from working here is that personality and what is on the inside is more important. 

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Kyle Funk

Kyle works with slightly older kids than Kassidy at Camp Here and they do a lot of games at the tennis court. It is clear that the kids like Kyle as much as he likes working there. One thing he has accomplished while working here is being able to learn all of his kids names by the second day. 

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Dillon Bowie

This summer Dillon has been working at the Stamford Farmers Co-Op. His main job is helping the customers by grabbing the specific items that they want. He has learned all about different types of feed while working here. Dillon did so well at his work experience that he has been hired to work Saturdays after the program ends.

Siearra Sevda-Sawyeri

For the summer Siearra has been working at Castle Mountain. While working here she has had many different tasks to preform like stain decks, iron clothes, and help mow lawns. She enjoys the work because it is very diverse and hands on which helps her learn better. She said, "This summer I have had the best work experience. I am very happy with my supervisors and coworkers and the variety of things I was able to learn." 

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