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East Meredith

Donivin Allen

This summer Donivin has been working at Hanford Mills. He likes this job because everyone he works with is very easy going, and they all seem to have a sense of humor. His favorite part of working here is that he has job experience of working in the real world and knowledge of how to properly fill out an application.  

Dylan Waid 

Dylan has been working at Hanford Mills for the summer. His favorite were shoveling sawdust, cleaning, and helping fill post holes.  He liked the fact that he was outside for work, but that they would take breaks throughout for water. His biggest accomplishment was finishing the knot-weed which made everything look a lot nicer. 

Kayla Mace

For the summer Kayla has been working at Hanford Mills. Her job includes cleaning, dusting, and cutting down weeds. Her biggest accomplishment while working here was cutting down all the knot-weed, and knowing it was all gone.  She also liked the fact that everyone was very nice, and they had a lot of fun working together this summer. 

Jacoyia Byrne

Jacoyia has been working at DCHA/Hannaford Mills this summer. He reported the best part about his job are the friends that he has made while working, and being able to work with his supervisor Val. He enjoys all of the jobs he is given because he likes working hard.  Advice that he gives is to be cooperative, and to get along with everyone you work with.  Jacoyia plans on saving the money he earns this summer. 

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