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Courtney Shaver

This summer Courtney has been working at Deposit Central School. Something she has accomplished while working here is being more open and willing to talk to new people. She has also gained the knowledge that doing her job slow and right the first time is better than rushing to get it done. 

Kayla Scuderi

Kayla has been working at Deposit Central School for the summer.  She really enjoyed being able to work with the whole janitorial staff and learning new things from all of them. 

Brittany Murphy

This summer Brittany has been working at the Deposit Central School. She likes the fact that this job is giving her more responsibilities, and the money to buy her own school clothes. Work has helped her learn to take care of the property at the school, as she now knows first hand the amount of cleaning that goes in to make it look so nice. 

Emily Quattrocchi

Something Emily has learned while working at Deposit Central School is that they have to make sure all cleaning supplies are out of reach from the elementary students that are in the building for programs. She has gained many cleaning tips that she can use in her own home. 

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Hannah Haines

Hannah has been working at the Deposit Central School for the summer. Her main goal for the money she earned this summer is to save it for college.  Her job has not only given her valuable work experience; she has gained new friends that she can't wait to see during the school year. 

Steven Quattrocchi

For the summer Steven has been working at the Deposit Central School. He really enjoyed working here for the summer because the work that they did will be seen by everyone when school starts. Something he has gained while working here is more friends, and a better understanding of how hard the custodian's job is. 

Devon Lester

This summer Devon worked at the Deposit Central School Bus Garage again. One of his favorite parts of the job was being able to work with another student because last year he was by himself. He really enjoys this work because he likes seeing the buses cleaned, and it is relaxing. 

Neveah Rivera

Neveah has been working at the Deposit Central School Bus Garage for the summer. One thing she has accomplished while working here is being to work on time everyday.  By working here and saving her money, Neveah was able to buy her first smart phone. 

Dustin Shaffer

Dustin has been working at Catskill Cattle Company for the summer. He really enjoys working with the animals and being able to learn more about farm work. Something he has gained is being able to stack pellets. 

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